Monthly Archives: March 2016
March 17, 2016
American Gun Making Legend, Jerry Fisher visits PGS October 9-11, 2013
Jerry, a charismatic man and a teacher at heart, is demonstrating a European Gun making process called “striking”. We in the U.S. simply call it draw filing. Its purpose is to remove rust pitting and ripples or unevenness in the steel.
Doug Turnbull, Turnbull Restorations visits PGS to conduct on-site hiring interviews October 11, 2013
Doug Turnbull and his manager of Gunsmith’s, 2001 PGS graduate Sam Chappel, visited PGS to conduct interviews for their new special 1911 custom handguns. They interviewed several potential candidates and one or two PGS students will soon be proudly working for the top notch and state of the art Gunsmithing facility.
American Pistol Smith Guild member and Brownells tech, Mike Watkins visits PGS to conduct a one week course on the 1911 build
Fifteen PGS honors students who had earned a grade Point average exceeding 3.0 and excellent school attendance were permitted to attend the Brownells 1911 build course and receive credit toward their Semester IV projects. As a result of hard work and excellent craftsmanship in the class, one student has been hired by Turnbull Restorations to…
Brownells Conducts Alternative Finishes Seminar at PGS on September 29 to October 3, 2014
PGS was pleased to welcome Brownells Gunsmithing Tech Staff members to conduct an optional seminar made available to students who achieve specific GPA and attendance percentages. The seminar addresses proper application of Alternative Finishing techniques and is offered periodically to PGS students. “We’re grateful to Brownells for bringing their expertise to our classroom,” said PGS…